Space Specialist in Life Sciences postgraduate specialist training course

The aim of the course is to train specialists with expertise in life sciences, more precisely in the fields of dietetics and health sciences. By using a multidisciplinary approach, these specialists should be capable of treating problems that are linked to humans’ long space travels and exoplanetary stays and that belong in the above-mentioned scientific fields. In order to practice these fields creatively, one has to be educated in all scientific fields on an advanced level and should have an up-to-date basic knowledge with the corresponding practice Furthermore, specialists should be able to use their diverse skills in a wide range, with a general education and with an up-to-date point of view in relation to life sciences. Lastly, they should be able to operate and control correlated systems (food production, dietary advice, health monitoring, healing) from the planning process to the sampling and to the evaluation.


Name of the course


Language of the course


Course coordinator

Tuition fee

Space Specialist in Life Sciences postgraduate

specialist training course

Correspondence course


3 semesters

Prof. Dr. László Csernoch

2125 USD/semester


Application form

Postgraduate program

Application deadline: Monday, 12 August 2024

Admission interview date: Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Start of semester: Friday, 20 September 2024

Information about admission:

Dr. Pál Pap, Head of the Registrar’s Office (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine, Registrar’s Office)

Application and student administration:

Viktória Rubos-Varga, Officer (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine, Registrar’s Office)


Legutóbbi frissítés: 2024. 07. 24. 10:28