Final Exam - MSc in Molecular Biology

2024/2025/2 semester state exam day is June 10-11-12, 2025. 

Graduation ceremony is June 28, 2025 3:00 PM 
in the Ceremony Hall of the Main Building


Deadline for submission of the degree thesis: 15 April / 15 November

The deadline for submission may be extended with up to 2 weeks, upon which the related fee – determined in the Student Fees and Compensation Regulations of the University  of  Debrecen – shall be paid.

Degree theses shall be submitted in two copies

   - one as an email attachment (
   - one copy written to CD

to the Registrar’s Office.

The following shall be attached to the thesis:

   - the front page of the thesis with signatures and institute seal
   - supervisor endorsement for Thesis (Neptun request) with the signature of the supervisor and head of
     the Educational Organizational Unit, and the seal of the institution
   - a summary of the degree thesis bearing the name of the author and the title 
   - the student’s declaration that the degree thesis is his/her independent work 

After the review is complete the diploma thesis shall be uploaded to the Electronic Archives of the University and National Library of the University of Debrecen (DEA) before the state exam.

This is a prerequisite for the final exam!

Thesis submission

Upload guide

Requirements for format and content - according to the specifications of TDK

Important: it must be clearly stated what is your own work and what is not!

Title page

Declaration plagium

State exam

Registration for the state exam: Menu → Exams → Final exams  → apply for the final exam subjects  →  fill the application form

Deadline for the registration of the state exam is: April 1 (spring semester) / November 1 (fall semester)

Final exam items:

"A" part topics
"B" part topics - Biochemistry-Genetics
"B" part topics - Immunology, Cell and Microbiology

Deadline for submission of "B" part topics: along with Thesis at the latest
Neptun→Administration→Request: "AOK  MSc in MB Final Exam B questions"

The procedure of the state exam:

There will two types of themes („A” and „B”) You have to pick one question, both A and B themes. After that you have one hour to work the chosen questions out.
Then you have to defend your thesis. For that you have to make a PowerPoint presentation. This presentation needs to be copied on a pendrive and you have to bring it to the state exam with yourself. The presentation must clearly indicate what is your own work and what is not. The theoretical background of the works must also be known for a successful defense.
After you finished your thesis defense you can start your oral exam with your worked out questions. If you want to start with B title or A title or the other way around it is completely up to you. 
As soon as you finished the oral exam the committee ask you to leave the room. During that time the state exam committee will evaluate your thesis defense and your oral exam.
After the state exam committee made their decision you will be informed about your exam grades, and your diploma's qualification.


Name of qualification: Molecular Biologist

Qualification of the degree

Information from recent periods

2024/2025/1 semester state exam day is January 22, 2025. 
in the Coordinating Centre for International Education building, floor 3.

2023/2024/2 semester state exam days are June 11-12-13, 2024. 
in the Coordinating Centre for International Education building, floor 3.

Graduation ceremony is June 30, 2024 10:00 AM 
in the Ceremony Hall of the Main Building
Application for the graduation ceremony with "Registration for graduation ceremony 2024" Neptun request.
In the hour before the graduation ceremony, there will be a rehearsal, which the participants must attend.

Graduation ceremony held for the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Sicence  on  July 3, 2021 from 4 pm

That it is not a normal graduation ceremony, but a year closing ceremony.
Due to the current government epidemiological rules only those can attend the ceremony who have immunity card/EESZT mobile app/antigen rapid test

This rule applies for graduates and guests too!

Graduation Ceremony FAQ

Former state exam days

January 31, 2024
June 20-22, 2023
February 15, 2023
June 15-16-17, 2022
February 2, 2022
June 15-16, 2021. 

Last update: 2025. 03. 07. 11:39